
Lab: Chevron Science Center (Annex), 6th floor

Office: Chevron Science Center (Annex) 657

Shipping: Please send mail and packages to:

Dr. Grace Kenney

219 Parkman Ave

Chevron 326B

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA 15260


Email: gkenney {at} pitt {dot} edu

Phone: None currently; email is preferred.

a map illustrating the location of the chevron science centera map illustrating the location of the chevron science center

joining the group

The lab will be opening in September 2024! Those interested in doing innovative and interdisciplinary work to explore new areas of microbial chemistry are invited to apply at all levels, as described below. Potential lab members from all backgrounds, identities, and lived experiences are welcome: we are committed to building a collaborative and inclusive environment where we work together to tackle challenging problems with scientific creativity and rigor.

Undergraduates: Please email Dr. Kenney with a brief cover letter discussing your interest in a research experience along with your CV. No specific courses are required, though students should have completed introductory chemistry or biology coursework or should have an otherwise strong background in those areas. Prior research experience is welcome but not required. Students participating in summer research will work with Dr. Kenney to find an appropriate funding source - note that there may be opportunities for non-Pitt students as well. During the academic year, Pitt students can consider pursuing research for credit via CHEM 1710, and work-study positions may sometimes be available.

Research Technicians: A research technician position is currently posted on the Pitt Careers site, and you'll need to apply through that site. This position will involve benchwork and some lab maintenance, and there may be space to develop a research project depending on interest and expertise. In your application, please plan on including your academic CV, a cover letter describing your previous research experiences and goals for this position, and contact information for two letters of reference (ideally including at least one reference who can discuss your research experience). You should plan on having completed your bachelor's degree in biology or chemistry before your projected start date, and you should be ready to discuss your past lab experience in those areas. Note that there is some flexibility in start date.

Post-Baccalaureate Researchers: If you are interested in funded post-baccalaureate research, you can consider applying to the Hot Metal Bridge program.

Graduate Students: Students can currently join the lab through the Pitt Chemistry graduate program (or the Pitt/CMU MSTP program, which the Chemistry Department participates in) or through the joint Pitt/CMU Molecular Biophysics and Structural Biology (MBSB) program. Additional programs at Pitt or joint Pitt/CMU programs may be options in future application cycles. Note that students apply to and are admitted only through these programs - they are not directly admitted to research groups. Admitted students should email Dr. Kenney to discuss possible rotation timing and projects; in some cases, it may be possible to spend the summer before your formal matriculation in the lab as well.

Postdoctoral Researchers: Researchers who have or who will soon complete a Ph.D. in chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, computational biology, or another relevant discipline are always welcome to apply for a postdoctoral position. Please contact Dr. Kenney via email, and attach your full academic CV (listing preprints and works in review), a ~2 page narrative summary of your research contributions to date and your scientific and professional goals for a postdoctoral research position in this lab, and contact information for 3 letters of reference.